Types of mask and its uses

Types of mask and how to wear properly......?
Three Primary Mask :
1. Cloth Mask
2. Surgical Mask
3. N95 Mask
Cloth Mask :
Protection: May protect the wearer and those around them from large droplets coming from coughs or sneezes.
Appropriate for: For community members following use guidelines.
Use Guidelines: Wearers should practice physical distancing, hand-washing, and avoid touching their faces.
Reuse: Can be reused when properly cleaned.*
Fabrication: Can be easily made at home using breathable materials such as cotton or cotton blend.
Surgical Mask : 
Protection: Resistant to fluids and For front line health will filter small particles workers.
Appropriate for: For front line health workers.
Use Guidelines: Health workers should follow institutional protocol.
Reuse: Health workers should follow institutional protocol.
Fabrication: Must be made using medical-grade polypropylene following fabrication guidelines.
N95 Mask :
Protection: Filters 95% of very small particles when tightly fitted.
Appropriate for: For front-line health workers. Community use is discouraged so more masks are available for healthcare workers.
Use Guidelines: Requires professional fit-testing to be fully effective.
Reuse: Extended use or reuse requires following CDC(Centers for disease control and prevention) guidelines.
Fabrication: Manufactured using specialized materials and process. 

Click here : How to dispose your mask properly

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