Technology To Fight In Covid - 19

 How Asian countries are using......

Robot Dogs Patrol in Singapore Park.....Singapore
  • In Singapore, Dog-like robots have been used for patrolling the local park.
  • They are fitted with cameras and broadcast a recorded message, reminding park visitors to observe safe distancing measures.
  • Developed by US company Boston Dynamics.
"AR "(Augmented reality) Mirror For Touchless Shopping.....South Korean
  • An augmented reality (AR) mirror in South Korea allows touchless cosmetics shopping.
  • It takes a photograph of the customer's face and analyses it.
  • Customers can then see a computer-generated image of what they would look like wearing a wide range of cosmetics.
App to Track Local Mask Supplies.....Taiwan
  • An app developer in Taiwan created an online interactive map to track local mask supplies. 
  • The map shows real-time information about the quantity of masks supplies in drugstores.
Robots For Disinfecting Trains.....Hong Kong 
  • Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway (MTR) Corporation, has rolled out a disinfecting robot to clean trains and stations for providing a safe and comfortable environment for passengers.
  • This VHP Robot conducts deep cleaning and decontamination in the train compartment and stations.
  • New “Vapourised Hydrogen Peroxide Robot” (VHP Robot) to further enhance the disinfection of stations and trains.
Wide Usage of Robots in Mainland.....China
  • Robots were deployed in the country's front lines.
  • Besides disinfection and street patrols, the robot was also deployed to deliver food and medicine in quarantine wards
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  1. This kind of technologies are very useful for Indian inhabitant due to high population

  2. we need this kind of technologies for today's life


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